Happy New Year everyone! I want to tell you my New Year's resolutions. So New Year has come and it was time to make a list of new year's resolutions. This year I decided to make less new year's resolutions than I made last year, because I didn't do half of what I promised to. This year I decided to choose several directions and to deal with them.
1. Study more
This promise give all students before the beginning of the school year. But this year will be important in my life. This year I'm going to go to University, and for this I need to prepare for the exams. I need to pass them very well. So preparation for these exams are in the first place.
2. Read 10 books
I decided to read 10 books, not 12(one for each month), because I usually read the really big books. And this year I should pay attention to other literature - textbooks (see paragraph 1). But I hope I still manage to find the time to read, books that I have wanted to read for the long time.
3. Learn something new.
I always wanted to learn some other language. last year I started learning Spanish, but I didn't have enough diligence. Maybe this year I'll find time and energy to learn Spanish and fluently speak it
4. Change your style
Maybe you always wanted to change your hairstyle or change something in your make up or in the way you dress. Try something you always scare to do. It's your time. I want to dye my hair in light pink or blonde and get a new hair cut
5. Work your body and drink more water.
For Christmas, I got a little lazy, so again time to take exercise and try to do it regularly and do not find any excuses. Last year I tried to install a habit of drinking a lot of water, but I did it not regularly. So this year I will try to keep a water bottle always in sight.
6. Find a new hobby
Start doing what brings you pleasure and makes you happy. Thanks to this hobby you will meet new people that enjoy the same hobby. Try the new things. Find yourself. Think about what you always wanted to do and do it.
7. Complain less, Live and smile more
Never complain about anything. And always work harder.
If you tired or feel lost, just don't give, ever. Always smile no matter what, dream and believe in your dreams.
Here's the video for motivation. Write in the comments what are your New Year's resolutions?

Happy New Year everyone! I want to tell you my New Year's resolutions. So New Year has come and it was time to make a list of new year's resolutions. This year I decided to make less new year's resolutions than I made last year, because I didn't do half of what I promised to. This year I decided to choose several directions and to deal with them.
1. Study more

This promise give all students before the beginning of the school year. But this year will be important in my life. This year I'm going to go to University, and for this I need to prepare for the exams. I need to pass them very well. So preparation for these exams are in the first place.
2. Read 10 books

I decided to read 10 books, not 12(one for each month), because I usually read the really big books. And this year I should pay attention to other literature - textbooks (see paragraph 1). But I hope I still manage to find the time to read, books that I have wanted to read for the long time.
3. Learn something new.

I always wanted to learn some other language. last year I started learning Spanish, but I didn't have enough diligence. Maybe this year I'll find time and energy to learn Spanish and fluently speak it
4. Change your style

Maybe you always wanted to change your hairstyle or change something in your make up or in the way you dress. Try something you always scare to do. It's your time. I want to dye my hair in light pink or blonde and get a new hair cut
5. Work your body and drink more water.

For Christmas, I got a little lazy, so again time to take exercise and try to do it regularly and do not find any excuses. Last year I tried to install a habit of drinking a lot of water, but I did it not regularly. So this year I will try to keep a water bottle always in sight.
6. Find a new hobby

Start doing what brings you pleasure and makes you happy. Thanks to this hobby you will meet new people that enjoy the same hobby. Try the new things. Find yourself. Think about what you always wanted to do and do it.
7. Complain less, Live and smile more

Never complain about anything. And always work harder.

If you tired or feel lost, just don't give, ever. Always smile no matter what, dream and believe in your dreams.
Here's the video for motivation. Write in the comments what are your New Year's resolutions?

Sincerely yours,

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